Good acoustics are necessary to create a pleasant working climate. With an acoustic spray ceiling from Acosorb, every room turns into a pleasant working environment. The ceiling reduces reverberation to a minimum and no heat leaks to other parts of the property, saving you on energy costs.
Acoustic spraying and plastering is applied completely seamlessly and is available in various structures and colours. Acosorb adds value in any business environment, from government institutions to shared spaces and from small to large companies.
You can apply Acosorb in any commercial space, it is suitable for both ceilings and walls. In recent years, Acosorb has improved the acoustics in various offices. For example, in 2017 the head office of Google Netherlands was provided with an acoustic layer. Thanks to the application of Acosorb, the impressive building on the Amsterdam Zuidas scores excellent in the field of acoustics.
Applied to
Acosorb provices acoustic solutions for a wide range of clients around the world. We are represented in Belgium, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, Portugal, Middle East, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, Macau and the Philippines.
Acosorb offers a variety of appropriate solucations werever many people come together and where communication plays a mayor role.
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